Official site of the
"The Brownsville Police Department, with its servant leadership philosophy, will serve and protect in partnership with the community."
- Chief Felix Sauceda
Welcome to the Brownsville Police Department Citizens' Online Police Reporting System
If this is an Emergency call 911
Using this Online Citizens' Police Reporting system allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the police report for free.
To use the Online Citizens' Police Reporting system, please make sure of the following:
This is NOT an emergency (if so Call 911).
This incident occurred within the Brownsville city limits.
That you have an email account to receive updates on your report.
If you have confirmed all of the above, you are ready to file your report online. Please turn off your pop-up blocking software before filing the report. Look at our Online Citizens' Police Report Frequently Asked Questions for more information about online reporting.
Upon completion of this process, you will:
1) See: "Your online police report has been submitted". This means that your police report has been received by the Brownsville Police Department and review of that report is pending.
2) Be issued a temporary case number while report is under review.
3) Be able to print a copy of your temporary police report while pending approval.
4) Be given a permanent police report case number once your report is approved.
5) Be able to print a copy of the approved police report for your records.
6) Expect to receive e-mails about your online report from:
TXBrownsvillePD@coplogic.com (Do not send emails to this address)
Please Note:
Filing a false police report is a crime.
The Brownsville Police Department reserves the right to reject any report submitted online.
All incidents reported using the Citizens Online Police Reporting System will be reviewed within 3 to 5 days.
After your report has been reviewed, you will receive an email from BPD informing you whether your report was accepted, rejected or if more Information is required from you to continue the process.
Upon review, if your report merits further investigation, you may be contacted by a Brownsville Police Officer or Investigator.
After your report is approved, If you wish to pursue criminal charges, please contact the Criminal Investigations Unit at (956)548-7060 or at Police Headquarters located at 600 E Jackson St.
Misdemeanor cases are not assigned to investigators. In order to have such incidents investigated, you must visit with an intake Investigator at Police Headquarters, 600 East Jackson Street (956) 548-7060.
Examples of Misdemeanor cases are simple assault, theft of property under $1500, harassment, criminal trespass, and most property damage under $1,500
These are the Incident types (with their definition and example) that can be reported using the Citizens' Online Reporting System:
Bad Check
Insufficient funds check used for a transaction.
A person gives you a check in exchange for your services; there is no or not enough money in the signer's bank account to cash the check.
Child refusal to attend school
Underage child refuses to go to school.
Your underage child decides not to go to school and has no reason to be absent.
Civil Matter
Non-Criminal Incidents
No crime committed, just want to submit a report for legal matters
Credit Card Abuse
Unauthorized use of Credit Card.
Stolen Credit Card or Account Information used to purchase merchandise.
Custody Dispute
Dispute between Child custodians.
Father or Mother of Child did not visit child on predetermined day.
Customer or Landlord Disturbance
Delayed Report on Disturbance by Customer or Landlord.
Customer confronted clerks or other customers in an aggressive manner.
Someone intentionally disturbed you by contacting you in writing, by telephone, or other electronic communication method, to the point you feel threatened.
Someone keeps sending text messages to your cell phone and you regard these messages as offensive.
Identity Theft
Obtaining someone else's personal identifying information and using it to obtain credit, goods or services.
A person uses your social security number to get a credit card, phone service or employment.
Incident (Non-Criminal/Documentation)
To submit information about a Non-criminal incident that you would like documented.
Incident information that you would like to Document with no expectation of contact or follow-up. Suspicious Activity and Neighbor Disputes may be reported through this report type also.
Lost Property
Missing valuable or important property.
Forgot property at a public location and cannot find it.
Mexico Incident
Incident that happened in Mexico
You wish to report that you were aggrieved or property was taken from you while visiting Mexico.
Non Traffic Accident
Accident not involving a moving motor vehicle.
Slip and fall accident with no or only minor injury. Your vehicle's windshield is cracked while driving on the expressway.
Out of Jurisdiction Incident
Incident did not happened in Brownsville.
You wish to report that were aggrieved or property was taken from you outside of the Brownsville City limits.
Past Vehicle Accidents
Want to report minor damages due to a vehicle accident that did not happen recently.
Your car suffered a minor damage due to accident that happened hours or days ago an you would like to report it.
Property Damage
The act of changing, modifying or defacing another person's or group of person's property.
Graffiti, braking windows, knocking down a mailbox, etc.
Public Utilities Call
Reporting issues with Public Utilities
Past incidents of live wires down, broken pipe lines, etc.
Seizure of collateral to secure a loan that is in default.
Financial institution regained property through a Repossession company service.
Scam Calls/Phone Harassment
Constant and unsolicited calls.
Continuous calling from same individual or company offering services or disturbing you.
Obsessive approach or attention towards a person.
You are continuously approached, followed or pursued by another person without your consent.
Your property is taken without your permission (Not including Vehicles or Firearms).
Someone takes your lawnmower from your yard without your consent.
Theft of Gas
Gas Fuel taken from a Gas Station without payment or authorization.
Person promises to pay for gas after filling tank, then leaves without paying.
Past Verbal or gestured threats (Includes terroristic threats).
Someone indicates intentions of harming you or your family physically.
Traffic Accident - Hit and Run
Past Automobile Accident involving a second Automobile that left the accident scene without leaving required information. No injuries resulted from accident.
Your vehicle was hit and the vehicle that hit yours did not stop, passengers of your vehicle did not suffer injuries.
A person or group of person entered or returned to a property without authorization or consent from owner(s). Restriction to property may be in form of signage.
A person returned to a private property after being prohibited from visiting the property.
Citizens' Online Reporting FAQ:
1. What do I do if online reporting is not right for me?
If your incident is an emergency, dial 9-1-1. For non-emergencies, call 956-548-7000.
2. When should I use online reporting?
Online reporting is not for incidents that are actively taking place. Online reporting is for the convenience of submitting a report for:
A past incident, a non-emergency incident
An incident where a life is not in danger
For documentation purposes
An incident that does not require immediate police presence.
3. Will my online report be reviewed the same day I submitted it?
No, online reports will be reviewed within a period of 3 to 5 days after being submitted.
4. What if the incident happened in another city? Can I file a report using this online police citizen reporting system?
No, If the incident took place outside of the City of Brownsville city limits, please contact the law enforcement entity for that city/jurisdiction.
5. What is a known suspect?
A known suspect is when you or someone else knows the person that committed the offense. This field can also be used if you know where to find the person who committed the crime or the license plate number of the vehicle the suspect(s) were in.
6. Why do I need an email address to submit a report online?
Your email address will help us communicate with you and provide you with a copy of the official report once your online report gets approved.
7. What does a "follow up" up mean in regards to my online report?
A follow up will be conducted if more information is required in order to accept your online report. This information may be requested via email, by a Brownsville Police Officer (or Investigator) in person or by phone when possible.
A follow up will also be necessary if your report will continues its course as a criminal investigation.
8. Can a report submitted online be rejected?
All online reports will be reviewed and may be rejected for several reasons. These reasons may include but are not limited to:
Lacking important information
The incident happened outside the City of Brownsville city limits
The incident reported is of an aggravated nature
You may refile a report by calling our non-emergency telephone number 956-548-7000, or visiting our Police Headquarters at 600 East Jackson Street and requesting to speak to a Police Officer in person.