ARRESTED: Theft of Motor Vehicle Burglary of Motor Vehicle (10 counts) Evading arrest on a MV

Xavier Montoya (23)
On 8-17-2017, Auto Theft Agents arrested Xavier Montoya at his residence located on the 4600 block of Florencia Avenue. With the assistance of Cameron County Sheriff's Deputies, Montoya was arrested for a theft of a motor vehicle. Agents located a stolen 2013 Volkswagen CC which was displaying fictitious license plates. Agents transported Montoya to the Brownsville Police Department where he was interviewed. Montoya provided a Statement implicating himself to the theft of the vehicle which occurred on 8-14-2017. He also implicated himself in a vehicle pursuit he had with Patrol Officers where he evaded arrest, multiple burglary of vehicle offenses he committed in Brownsville, and to a vehicle pursuit he had on Monday 8-14-2017 with McAllen Police Department. Montoya was charged with Theft of a Motor Vehicle and Evading Arrest in M/V.
On 8-18-2017, Auto Theft Agents charged Montoya with an additional 10 counts of burglary of vehicle. The charges stemmed from offenses he admitted to committing throughout the city of Brownsville. Case remains under investigation.