ARRESTED: Manufacture and/or Delivery of a Controlled Substance (cocaine) 6.3 grams. Possession of

Andres Hernandez (42)
On 02/13/2017 Agents with the Special Investigations Unit observed a male subject identified as Andres Hernandez walking at the 2700th Block of east 31st. Hernandez, a known offender was wanted on a Failure to Appear Warrant from District Court. Hernandez was placed under arrest on the strength of the warrant. During the investigation Hernandez was found to be in possession of several small zip lock baggies containing crack cocaine. Agents then conducted a consent to search at his residence located at 3000 block of East Avenue, where additional illegal narcotics were located. Hernandez was booked in for Manufacture and/or Delivery of a Controlled Substance (cocaine) 6.3 grams, Possession of a Controlled Substance (Clonazepam) 26 units or 4.6 grams, in addition to the outstanding failure to appear warrant.