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Media Release 0916

Theft of Copper

Criminal Trespass-Critical Infrastructure Facility

Salvador Martinez (26)

Andrew Gregory Anguiano (23)

On 09152016, Special Investigation Agents were conducting a narcotics investigation in the area of Fonsi St. and Southmost Rd, where a Cell Communication Tower is located, when they observed two male subjects park in front of the tower and acted suspicious, by looking in all directions. One of the male subjects was observed exiting a black in color Chevrolet Trail Blazer, which displayed no business logos or markings. The male subject, who was wearing a reflective vest and a hard hat, but no tags of credentials, then removed some bolt cutters from the vehicle and attempted to gain entry into the tower gated area by cutting a padlock. A PUB truck was observed passing by and spooked the subjects which made them leave the area in a hurry. Agents inspected the padlock and it was found to be partially damaged. Based on the findings, Agents proceeded to conduct surveillance on the subjects and they were observed travelling to three other locations where other Cell Communication Towers are located. The Subjects attempted to approach the towers in the same manner, but were unsuccessful. Agents then continued with the surveillance and the subjects were observed travelling to the 2500 block of Alton Gloor Blvd where another Communication Tower is located. Subject cut the lock and entered the fenced area. Agents approached the subjects in the tower area and they were taken into custody without incident. Upon inspection of the towers, Agents found multiple damaged copper wires, which had been completely cut off. Contact was made with the company who owns and operates the stated towers and was informed of the damages. The company wished to file criminal charges against the perpetrators. Both subjects were charged with Criminal Trespass in a Critical Infrastructure Facility and Theft of Copper-FS.



Burglary of a Vehicle

Servando Galvan (25)

On 9-14-2016, Servando Galvan turned himself in at the Brownsville Police Department on a warrant of arrest for a burglary of a vehicle he committed on 9-2-2016 at the 4400 block of Boca Chica Blvd between 9pm-10pm. He made unauthorized entry into the vehicle and stole the vehicle's battery and installed it on his vehicle which had stalled at location. At the time of the report, Patrol Officers followed up on this case and recovered the stolen battery. Auto Theft Agents charged Galvan with Burglary of a Vehicle.

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